Empowerement Program

Can you imagine growing up and never seeing someone graduate from high school. Creating change for our children begins by helping them envision a future they never thought possible. And one reason we focus on empowerment is to help disantivantaged children and youth gain the hope and confidence they need to end generational poverty for good. Our programs foster social responsibility through leadership, life skills and employment training workshops, so children are empowered to make an impact in their communities.



Employment Program

Many children and youth in our communities can’t envision a life free from poverty because they have never seen an example of success or been given the tools to find employment. How can you apply for a job if you can’t complete a resume? How do you secure stable employment if you don’t know where to look for work? Providing the youth in our communities the confidence and job skills they need to contribute to their local economy is crucial to helping them end generational poverty. Our programs help youth gain marketable skills through continuing education courses, and more to put them on track to a better future.

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